Computer is one of the significant Invention of the 20th century as it educates anyone and it simplifies the routine life. Even a kid also operate computer now a days but not much people aware of the essentials of computers. Here i am discussing the top ten essentials of Computers.
The main protection for computer with the use of Antivirus. In market there are number of antivirus are there to buy and some Antivirus sites provide trail versions also. You can download the trail versions from their respective Authorized websites.
Some antivirus
India become the third place with most number of internet users. For browsing you need to have browsers. Including with browsers by adding separate plug-ins we have some additional benefits.
Some Browsers Mozilla, Chrome, Opera
3.Office Suite
If we want to do calculations and for letter writing or any kind of document oriented soft copy's you need office suite. One of the most used suite is Microsoft Office suite
4.Adobe reader
For office files Microsoft office suite is ok but for pdf files Adobe reader is mandatory.
5.Compression software
For file sharing in Gmail or any other mails if the size of the file is large we need to compress the files containing folder. So compression software like ZIP and RAR are sourced software.